Grace Institute is guided by the principle that all people are intrinsically creative, and that the arts have a universal capacity to transform perspectives and behaviors of individuals and communities. Grace Institute is committed to continuously inspiring attitudes, conversations, and policies that prioritize diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural responsibility through all levels of the organization.

In direct service to our mission – nurturing the human spirit through the arts – we will necessarily work toward becoming a multi-dimensional community. This living, breathing action plan seeks to express how the Grace Institute community integrates its practices on a personal and organization level, where people can feel valued and respected regardless of one’s life experience.

We recognize that this work is ongoing and has the capacity to move us towards a more holistic community – one where participants experience a joyful place to develop, express, and experience our four core values: Respect, Responsibility, Resourcefulness, and Receptivity.

Developing Empathy

Respectful to me and you . . .

  • Create culturally responsible and well-informed programming with an approach that encourages understanding, empathy, and compassion.
  • Explore linguistic relevance and identify and promote common language and terminology as we build awareness of the impact our words have on one another.
  • Communicate and provide necessary and appropriate information in order to create an inclusive and safe environment for participants at all levels of the organization.
Encouraging Initiative

Responsible for what we do . . .

  • Support leadership development and training opportunities for permanent and seasonal staff that supports equity work and practices.
  • Intentionally recruit participants, staff, volunteers, and donors to more fully realize a broader cross section of collective perspectives and life experiences.
  • Implement practices that track and measure the results of our work in all areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Applying Creativity

Resourceful to get it done . . .

  • Develop programming through partnerships with other organizations to serve a broader range of people.
  • Source local material needs with specific concern for the environment.
  • Foster accessibility and inclusion through physical space as much as possible and augment with partnering in accessible spaces and locations.
Inviting Curiosity

Receptive to have some fun . . .

  • Listen to understand or appreciate another person’s experience without assumptions.
  • Expand relationships with local resources pertaining to community, expertise, and perspectives.
  • Recognize that inquiry, learning, and discovery is as individual as it is collective.

Selected lyrics from “The Four R’s of Community” used with permission by David Hall who wrote the song in 1998 to sing at Grace Art Camp. Since then, these core values have shaped and continue to guide Grace Art Camp and Grace Institute.